Tuesday, March 30, 2004♥

my presentation for marcomm had ended!!! so glad that it's finally over... very soon everything will be over... still got buy beh & comm skill... but kinda feeling slack now, coz got nothing to do at the moment... summore gong-gong and po-po is at m'sia, i'm HOME ALONE!~! feel so lonely. zijian gotta work, cant entertain me. i'm tired feel like sleeping but afraid that cant slp at night, so better not.

recently i keep waking up during the night, cant sleep like the whole night thru properly, its all those ghost stories fault, making me think abt it. but i realise that i can go to bed and not be scared when i start singing. *.* V

saturday night zijian stay over at my place, coz its too late for him to go home at the time. he sleeps on the floor though. we had a few games of UNO and i went shitting, when i came back he already sleeping like a pig.... he was really tired... early in the morning we woke up early and make breakfast. we made pizza, fry eggs and hot-dogs, he cooked noodles and "tang yuan". so much things for breakfast~~~ *yumMMMyy* =PpPpPp glad that he is that type that is willing to cook with me one. very fun... =D

then at night i helped him recorded the greeting msg for his voice mail. when he listen to it he was so touched... hehe.. i'm really sweet sometimes.. =PpPpP

Parting is such sweet sorrow. 8:46 AM

just now i was watching evelyn and darren's (chen yu yun and lin ming lun) wedding. it was really sweet~ and so damn touching till i even cried. they are so lucky to hv their wedding sponsored and it was really grand. the ceromory... so sweet~. my aunt disturb me, she ask me to tell zijian to giv me such wedding~~~ haha.. *jOKes* unless we 2 strike lottery... =DD

my mind is blank now.. dunno what to type.... =) gonna prepare for tmr's presentation.

Parting is such sweet sorrow. 1:49 AM

Tuesday, March 23, 2004♥

i had my CJP presentation today. it was rather screwed up~ i felt like i got little to say, think i'm gonna have very little marks for individual presentation. but overall i find that my group did alrite. there are still alot alot more room for improvements. i dunno why i just feel that my group strength is very weak. we tried our best but somehow or somewhat it just lack of something. perhaps we should try even harder. dunnoo laaa~~ dun wanna talk about those unhappy stuff~ *cheERrrRr UPPpp* =DDD life has got ups and downs, i just gotta live with it.

i'm happy with my life though.. for now.. i've got a family that consist of my popo, gong gong, ima and aunt~ i love them... they are abit *sot sot* at times but really cute~~~ dont talk about my mummy la, i see so little of her, its been 2 weeks since i've seen her. she is just like SO busy~~ then i got zijian, very good guy that always remind me to finish my work before watching tv. very caring and care about every little bit of me. sometimes i find that i see much more of him than my mummy~ "mummmy.. u & me just gotta put in that extra bit of effort k"

i've been thinking all this time to change my image~ i'm already thinking of what to do during the holidays. i wanna get my hair coloured RED~ change my hairstyle.... buy this buy that~~~ BUT!! hate my exam time table~ its like exactly one month later~ haizzz cant they just get it over ASAP then i can enjoy more of my holidays, some more its only 2 subjects~ *aiyaz* =\ nvm la thats life~~ *dOOOoooo DOooo DOooooO*

Parting is such sweet sorrow. 10:25 AM

Saturday, March 20, 2004♥

iTs fInaLLy FrIdAy~ I fEel sO reliEve~ =D thIS wEek's pROjeCt sUckz tO tHe coRe but DUnNo y i"m lIke imUse to iT. i jUSt neEd tO haNg oN wiTh it. soOn tHey iT wiLL be aN eND~ i'm gOnNa mEet jAsLYn up lAteR~ tHat bLur cOck plAntiUm 1 wEnt baCk & paTcH w LaOgAo~ haIz~ dUnno WhatS iN heR mInd!? AnyWay iT wiLL be A sPaRkz NiGht LatEr~ iTs beEn sUch A lOng tIme SinCE I weNT thEre~ i HopE i wOnt FeeL liKe sO oLD.... i hAd a HaRd TIme PErsUadIng ZiJIan to lEt me GO tHougH~ GoNNa rePort tO hIm eVeRy 5 miNs he saId~ hAhAaaHaaHAaaAAhHaa! lIkE rEaL~~

("v") i'm sO iN lOve WiTH my PaPeR aRRow~ ("v")

Parting is such sweet sorrow. 10:28 AM

Monday, March 15, 2004♥

woke up rather early in the morning wanted go find zijian but he came down insteady. bought mc muffin breakfast for me. yummy~ just recover from my stomach flu and back to my normal appetite again, i cant eat anything again, so happy. had a tough time when i only can eat carbohydrate and drink honey water when i was sick. nw i can almost eat anything. after the burger i shared a bowl or porridage with zijian and had a little bit of char tao keuy. *shiok siaz*

after breakfast was some board game time and then it came the drama, zijian and i had some arguement. i beat him and asked him to leave.. haiz so bad of me. then when he left it was the time for panic! find him back lo.. what to do... i was really bad, always bully him and take him for granted. i cried so to ask him back home. i was really wrong but didnt realise till he say out all the big bully things i've done. he was so fierce for the first time, he actually blowed up and i was really scared. like a father lecturing the child, i cried. i was really sorry but then it was ok again... we went back home and eat again~~ haha!!

there's always up and down in a relationship, u cant see it most of the time as its always hidden up.

Parting is such sweet sorrow. 8:15 AM

Sunday, March 14, 2004♥

sometimes i really hate writing about the unhappy stuff, but at times it just have to come out from me to make me feel better. i always complain to zijian about project stress and bad people or good ppl ard me. he always complain to me about 2 major things. -- money and army, well.. they rhymes.
today is my ima's birthday. i bought her this damn nice bag, trust me i think its really nice coz i spend so much time choosing the best one for her. she dotes me so must try to make her happy. the hand bag is in purple with silver crystal thingy, damn classy. from pure milk... cant actually believe they actually have such bagz, always thought of them catering only to kids. zijian shared the bag with me and bought me nail polish today. =)
then i bought zijian back for home to celebrate ima's birthday, we had steamboat, follow by nicely cooked chilli crab. then i shared a tub of tao heuy with zijian and we had black forest cake after we sang the bday song. =DD its a great saturday night, i wouldnt wanna think of any work at the moment, just wanna enjoy this day, work comes tmr and horrible... i'm not gonna think of it now.... thats it man... i shall check the mails.

Parting is such sweet sorrow. 4:12 PM

Saturday, March 13, 2004♥

while waiting for my nails to dry i shall write a blog. it was a bad day at first... project sucks to the core, sometimes the feeling is like all-over-me and never-ending. getting really frustrated. perhaps it's pms, i feel rather stressed up today while doing project. there i'm trying to the the media plan done, the others was like living in their world and i'm like talking to myself... nvm ok to that, *patients*. then some ppl just dont get the meaning of "getting the work done". i was there trying my best to get the work done, already so frustrating there he thought that i'm joking around! i'm sometimes kiddy but not all the time k! can't u see the seriousness in me?! what the ****! HOW WOULD U FEEL WHEN U CRACK A JOKE AND SOME FUCKER SAY "YOU ARE VERY LAME, SHUT UP LA!" I WOULD SAY "DID U ACTUALLY LEARNED MANNERS BEFORE! I DOUBT SO!" i'm that type of person that really hates: 1)bossy ppl that boss ard using their mouth and nothing. 2) ppl with no manners and burping ard and scolding and talking to ppl loudly. i sincerely cannot take it when my group has someone whom complains so much when he is given something to type. everyone sacrifies rite? why cant he? enough of this, i cannot take it la really~~ help me!

Parting is such sweet sorrow. 11:46 PM

Thursday, March 11, 2004♥

i'M aT sCH Now DOiNg ProJeCt~ FeEliNg rAthEr SuckY noW, STiLL vEry sIcK... aNywAy mY biGgeSt wIsh Now iS to ReCOvEr sOOOonnn!!! i LooK so PaLe and mY faCe.... bReAkOuTs!! GOsH! hElp Me~ i'm peSteRinG my iMa to BrIng mE to tHe doCtor ASAP! hAiz *-* soBzzz~~ dUnnO y~ pErHaps is fRom StResS.

tHe MaR COmM qUiz juSt NoW wAs A mEss, aLmoSt evEryOne weRe CheCKiNG oUT aNsWers. Me & JaS WaS lIke pEePiNg @ eaCh oTHer. We gOT so AmAseD wHeN wE sEe thE AnSWeRs~ O.O betTer GeT bAck To wORk. =p

Parting is such sweet sorrow. 10:26 AM

Wednesday, March 10, 2004♥

Hi~ juST WaNNa TR¥ THiS ouT. THiS WaS iNTRoÐuCe ߥ THe oTHeR aNGeL, SHuHui. i THiNK iTS ReaLL¥ aN "iN" THiNG To WRiTe ßLoG NoW iSSiT?¿ HaHa. i NVR HaVe aN¥ HaßiT oF WRiTiNG THouGH. i'M FeeLiNG ReaLL¥ SiCK NoW. SuFFeRiNG FRoM SToMaCH FLu FoR a 4 Ða¥S aLReaÐ¥. aLL i CaN Ðo FoR THeSe FeW Ða¥S iS SLeeP aNÐ SLeeP aNÐ SLeeP~ i SLP LiKe a PiG!¡¡ i CaN SLeeP FoR 10 HouRS THeN WaKe uP ßRuSH M¥ TeeTH aNÐ ßaCK To SLP aGaiN. THe ViRuS aNÐ MeÐiCiNe iN Me iS ÐiFiNTeL¥ CauSiNG aLL THeSe. i CaNT eaT MuCH Too, i CaN FeeL VeR¥ FuLL juST ߥ eaTiNG oNe aPPLe, THeRe iS ReaLL¥ SoMeTHiNG WRoNG WiTH M¥ ÐiGeSTiVe S¥STeM. aN¥Wa¥ i NeeÐ To GeT ßaCK To STuÐ¥iNG FoR M¥ TeST TMR, i CaNT CoNCeNTRaTe, i'M FeeLiNG ReaLL¥ ßaÐ.

Parting is such sweet sorrow. 5:21 PM


Stephanie Tang
23 December 1985

Free Counters

Tell a Friend


♥LV/Coach Wallet LV's
♥Get A Degree
♥Gucci's Bag
♥Louis Vuitton's Bag
♥Roller Blade
♥New Big Face Watch


♥Sweet Escape

Darline Love
ShuHui Love


Forever 21
Head2Toe Beauty

♥Sweet Memories

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